A low body temp is a sign of hypothyroidism according to Broda Barnes, MD.
It can be missed by the traditional TSH and T4 tests.  (Read 'Hypothyroidism
Type II' by Mark Starr, MD.)  I'm on the fence with some of the Wilson's
Syndrome things, but it works for some people - the idea is good, I'm just
now sure about the treatment.  I have low body temp and it only came up when
I replace the hormones I was missing - T3 (Cytomel) being the primary one.


In my research, I found that ADHD can be from low cortisol, which can
eventually cause thyroid to go low (which would cause the low temp).  I have
an ADHD child, and had his diurnal cortisol checked and it was very low all
day.  I'm trying to get him off the meds and do more natural things, but
it's difficult.  Takes time and patience, which I have neither!  LOL!


Some sites to consider.





Just my 2 cents from the year and a half of research on thyroid/adrenals
I've done.  No medical advice given!




From: Steve G [mailto:chube...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 9:01 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>FYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome



That's an interesting website.  I'm not sure what to make of it though.   My
temperature has hovered around 97 degrees since I was a teenager.  The only
thing I've ever heard about that is that this is common with people who have
ADHD, which I have.  My 17 year old daughter has the same two issues.

Steve G