Succinctly put and soooo right.  dee

On 8 Apr 2010, at 13:48, Richard Goodwin wrote:

> You are right.  There is something about most people that makes us want to be 
> taken care of -- perhaps it's a desire to return to the warm loving safety 
> and security of our childhood in our parents' arms, if we had that, so we 
> never stop looking for new "parents" long after we are all grown up.  
> Whatever it is, it causes us to give our trust to anyone who professes to 
> know more about something than we do, and to be willing to "take care" of us 
> -- teachers, doctors, religious leaders, political leaders, etc.  Instead of 
> seeing those people as servants or hired help, which they actually are, we 
> prefer to idolize them and subjugate ourselves to their opinions and their 
> wills.  And of course any time you give your freedom to someone, they will 
> certainly use it, not for your good, but for their own benefit.
> But that's why we're all here -- to learn how to help ourselves using, among 
> other things, Colloidal Silver.
> Dick

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