bodhisattva wrote:
It's a Material Handling Data Sheet! You can look up the MHDS anywhere you want for D3, it will say the same thing - these are established by govt. oversight divisions.. Anyone that has worked in industry, safety or anything similar knows what a material data sheet is. They're based on established science and studies, if a data sheet says something is poison, you can bet your ass it is! D-3 is the same toxicity as Mercury,
Mercury metal is almost non-toxic. You can swallow the contents of a thermometer with no ill effects. Now methyl mercury is another matter.
and just a tad under Arsenic in terms of the MHDS, this really can't be debated - anyone can look up the data sheets.
That is irrelevant. The amount of D for health is in the micrograms, the amount for death is in the grams, a million to one or so difference. Vitamin D is quickly metabolized, arsenic is a heavy metal that accumulates. If vitamin D accumulated like arsenic then it would be a problem, but it does not stick around long.

You can look up the MHDS for any other vitamin, and compare notes.. Here's the MHDS for Vitamin C..
 (0 Poison rating, that is, it's simply not poisonous to Humans)

Here's a list of the top 4 rat poisons in the US. (D3 is second, and note it lists low to moderate toxicity for humans)

Please note, I am not saying we don't need D. I am saying to eat some sardines, and get some sunshine. Not take this stuff from the drug companies. I have a gut feeling there is more to the D story than we're being told, just like we know there is more to the fluoride story than we were told. Anytime I see a huge push on something from major media sources, I start to ask questions, and you should to.
If you get enough sun to get poisoning from D you would definitely be well done, no way to live through that much exposure. If you were to eat enough sardines to give you poisoning from D, other things would kill you first, such as the methyl mercury in the sardines, or simply the pure volume of sardines that it would require you to eat. Take too much of almost anything and it will kill you, nothing new about that. Many many things are toxic if you take more than the normal amount of them. Even eating too many bitter almonds, or fruit seeds can kill you, but a lesser amount can sometimes cure cancer.


Draw your own conclusions of course, I'm just pointing out some data on this most people aren't aware of. Nothing more, nothing less. Sardines and Sunlight, there is no "Magic Pill" from Big Pharma, never will be.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
But it says that the views expressed are just those of the
 page author, and not endorsed by the university.  Does anyone on the list
 (Brooks, Marshall - anyone!)  have anything to say about this please?  I have
 just sent off for three lots of D3 sprays because I have read such good
 reports on this substance.  One of those was one of the big insurance companies
 too.  dee

On 21 Apr 2010, at 17:21, bodhisattva wrote:

I'm not mixing up the D's, look at the MHDS yourself, it's
 for D3.  D3 is a STRONG acidic, oxidising agent. It's D3 that makes the most
 effective Rat Poison, along with ZyclonB and Fluoride of course.
Chronic ingestion may cause effects similar to those of acute ingestion.
 Ingestion May be fatal if swallowed. May cause irritation of the digestive
 tract. May cause kidney damage. May cause cardiac disturbances. Ingestion may
lead to mental retardation. Hazard class 6.1

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