
      May I ask what type and make of detector you purchased?  Thanks.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:20 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>More on Cell-Phone and Cell-Tower radiation

  I also removed my 241am laced radioactive smoke detectors and replaced them 
with harmless photoelectric ones.  This was after I purchased an instrument to 
measure the emissions from them, and discovered they had a fairly good plume 
coming off them.  Of course they say "It's not enough to be harmful" to 
everyone, but they are also banking on the fact that most people will never 
purchase instruments to check them.

  I also have meters to measure radon, and other things, and generally it's 
pretty clear around here.  The biggest issues I pick up these days, are 
universally from man-made things. Synthetic carpets, smoke detectors, wireless 
gear, and all kinds of other stuff.  People are living in "Pools" of toxins. 
You'd be very surprised at how your health rebounds when you purge all of this 
garbage, and in fact, how fast your "Discernment" increases. It's quite 
remarkable really.

  Just 6-7 years ago the people in this household averaged 3-4 doctor visits a 
month.  These days, it's like some incredibly rare event to even walk through 
the door of a doctor!  My kids have been on antibiotics only 1-3 times each 
their entire lives.  We don't allow any injections into ourselves, especially 
the flu shot scam injections. I've been telling people for years those things 
hurt your immune system, and help spread illness.  Of course science seems to 
back this up now.

  Bob Banever wrote: 
    "Your smoke detector emits more radiation than 2000 bananas." 

    Which is why I've removed my smoke detectors. 

    ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <> 
    To: <> 
    Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:49 AM 
    Subject: Re: CS>More on Cell-Phone and Cell-Tower radiation