Amazing story, thanks for sharing!

Did you know a nurse discovered an ancient tea that cures cancer, and ran a clinic where she cured most people of it? JFK's doctor proclaimed "A cure for cancer has been found!" after examining the data, then applying it to his patients. He was quickly "sacked" for saying this.. What you find today surrounding this tea is a bunch of disinformation to discredit her, and the product. It's basically a product you can make for "Free" if you go out into the woods and meadows, you know?

Best quality I have found is from Plant Cures.. I drink this tea a couple of times a month to make sure the systems are in order.

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

An anecdote regarding Budwig Diet success:

A friend's wife was diagnosed about a year ago with colon cancer, stage two. Further examination revealed stage four metastatic cancer.

She had surgery to remove the tumor but not the entire colon.

The MDs recommended chemotherapy, but the prognosis was for death in less than one year even with the chemo.

I'd told my friend long ago about the Budwig Diet, and he remembered. He and his wife did research and decided on this regimen, rejecting the chemotherapy. They've never been back.

More than a year later, she's flourishing, with no apparent health problems whatsoever. She doesn't care at all to know further medical examination would reveal, as she intends to continue with the regimen regardless.

This case is in contrast to two others in which the patient passed away right on schedule, one after the full chemo regimen, the other after quitting halfway.

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