The timing with the meal is suspect to me. Do you bless each thing you consume? I highly recommend saying a blessing over all food and drink that goes into your body. I've been out to eat with a group of people, consuming the same thing, and they all got sick, I didn't. It's happened enough to convince me. Sprinkling holy water on stuff is a good idea in addition, or in place of. In some cultures, they dot holy water around a plate before eating the food on the plate. Prudent precaution.

IF you have a Terminator 2 Zapper, place that on her stomach and she should clear up in an hour or so. If you don't, buy one, they are $100 or so, and well worth it. Anyone I am around someone that gets a stomach issue after eating, I immediately pull out the zapper and hand it to them. Within minutes they feel better. Drinking some CS wouldn't hurt either I bet, keep a bottle of that handy in your purpose, as someone else mentioned, spray it on toilets, shopping carts, anywhere you want.

All it takes is one cursed cook to spoil the pot, you know? I'll pray for her rapid recovery.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
My 35 year old daughter was in Vegas over the weekend. Well Sunday she was walking from a restaurant and said the ground felt like it was moving, she started shaking really bad, got sick to her stomach, and her feet started to sweat really bad? The rushed her to the hospital and they did the usual tests. Her BP was fine, sugar was fine, urine fine, they did an EKG and blood work to see if she had a heart was all fine. They released her several hours later and said there was nothing more they could do for her that it was probably the excitement of being on vacation in Vegas. She went back to the hotel and stayed in bed but still feels real weak and shaky. Any comments sure would be worried mama here.
Thanks Deb