The nature of the Bodhisattva is apparent from a teaching story in which three people are walking through a desert. Parched and thirsty, they spy a high wall ahead. They approach and circumnavigate it, but it has no entrance or doorway. One climbs upon the shoulders of the others, looks inside, yells "Eureka" and jumps inside. The second then climbs up and repeats the actions of the first. The third laboriously climbs the wall without assistance and sees a lush garden inside the wall. It has cooling water, trees, fruit, etc. But, instead of jumping into the garden, the third person jumps back out into the desert and seeks out desert wanderers to tell them about the garden and how to find it. The third person is the Bodhisattva.

Anyway, the OT list is pretty hot, lots of new members. Not sure why there is still a runoff to the sleepers domain.

Dok Dallas wrote:
Hey Mike, before this (On-Going/Evolving) Mystery PLAGUE goes much-further
why not try running-baseline "CALIBRATION" on what's really-happening HERE
Apparently Ol' Dok Dallas is only Member Here on CS List with "GUARD~UP"?
(Just before posting this...checked email's...CLEARLY, I'm Not blowing-smoke) a (pre-verted) way, I'm actually enjoying this (deceptive/hidden) Humor~
as I check LIST emails...once/twice-a-week...also SKEPTICAL...WHY~POSTS
(over-past-two-weeks) how-many-times have SOME members posted OT, here?
Skeptic's from Missouri (Show-Me-State) \...@^@/ to WiKi...Not USE-ORGONE. LoL..."TO-SERVE-MAN"/(Cook Book)? Dok's OT (Humor): Velcronite is Velcro+Orgonite...Stays Put...on-OT-List? <G> CAP/(clean-up) OIL-Spills...Lot's of Duct-Tape & Brawny (quicker-picker-upper)! Years ago...had Orgonite at Swap Meet...Polyurethane over Dog-Poop...Better!
(Not sure what came over me to "Post-OT" here...might be ORGONITE curse?)
BTW: When Marshall is feeling better...we might discuss BECK misconception, but until then (agree with other members diagnosis) needs rest, gears-slipping... We have similar (professional) backgrounds, but think my CV-IS closer to Beck, in 1982...had lunch with Bob and sold him (prototype) Bio-FB/EEG...TV display. Beck, had (working) ION Pump/Trap background...(researched) Galvanic History and that was years before Beck presented...4-hz/BiPhasic/ 1991? Marshall, John...too many holes in Humpty-Dumpty DNA theory...even DC-Zilla, Kills-Pathogens...based on Galvanic ION Pumps used in 1860's~by early MD's. Have links to thousand's-of-pages...US/UK Medical Document(s), in Research!!!
DNA linking Clark & Beck...IMO, F-O-S/(Founded-on-Speculation), SHOM-ME~
Humpty Dumpty DNA may prove valid, but 130+ yrs DC, known-to Work...How?
Beck...SMPTE & IEEE member in LA area, also saw frequently, at TRW Swap.
(Sorry going off-track here, but....working with some Honor Dr. Beck) A Reply to (recent) post from Bodhisattva, Marshall, Rowena...Waste-of-Time~
(serious) ZILLA-WARNING...was important POST to members, Not-TROLLING!
Post...When/(IF)...have-Something-to-Say, vs. Other (Sorry Mike, not trying to play L-COP, but...thought others may POST...Earlier) Santa-List-Cop Krampus a.k.a DOK~DALLAS if needed <> [KRAMPUS] history P.S. Oops, @^...@..s like I may have (accidentally) posted this to LIST, Sorry..?
Rather than send me (off-line) WARNING email...let Krampus Beat Me. <VBG>
Promise to hang-up TOY Badge, Cuffs & Service Revolver...until, can't-stand-it~
--- On *Tue, 5/18/10, MaryAnn Helland /<>/* wrote:

    From: MaryAnn Helland <>
    Subject: CS>Was: Lyme disease, Now: Calibration
    Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 5:51 AM

    OK -- but what I'd like to know is, what _is_ calibration?  I'm
    aware of dowsing, and can do some of that myself, but I've never
    heard of calibration.
    And shouldn't this go to the off-topic list?