Thanks to you and all you have replied and are replying. I'll check on each idea and forward them to my friend. I'll just reply once with thanks to everyone. Much obliged.

On Tuesday, Jun 15, 2010, at 10:00 Asia/Tokyo, Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

You might want to check into the work of Dr. Berkson who has helped people in similar shape with high doses of milk thistle, ALA and a third ingredient which escapes me right now...maybe selenium. He helped liver transplant candidates become free of their condition and their need for transplants.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan B. Britten" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2010 8:11 PM
Subject: CS>Auto-Immune Hepatitis


From a friend:

"My apologies for the mass mailing; I’m writing in the hope that you
might be able give me some information. My mother-in-law is ill with a
terminal liver disease (a rare form of hepatitis known as auto-immune
hepatitis.) We have been to the top hospital here in Fukuoka, and she
has been told that she would have an excellent prognosis only if she
can get a liver transplant. As there is absolutely no system of organ
donations in Japan, my wife was willing to be a live organ donor to her
mother. However, after my wife underwent testing, she was informed
that she was ineligible to be a live donor; her own liver, while
perfectly fine, was adjudged to be less than satisfactory for a

I wonder whether anyone has first-rate information on alternatives to

Thanks in advance.

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