Dan Nave posted a link about "Agri-Prills", which I found interesting, but also a little bit alarming. Because Martin Marietta is a defense contractor, among other things. I don't consider them of very high integrity. At any rate, the calibration of the prills there, was quite low. Nowhere near the prills from "Life Enthusiast", so the numbers were not adding up.

Second. I was the first to note - probably the first on the planet - that prills 'picked up' bad energy in transit through the postal system. I ordered a second batch to confirm this, confirmed it with others and had other intuitive confirm this. Thus, I brought light to this situation for further exploration. Given this, the question is - why would they be effected, and hold the raw, dark vibrations picked up in transit? My assumption at that point was, prill beads are "Mini-Orgone Accumulators". Basically, an accumulator builds up, and stores energy, then releases it under specific conditions. But if an accumulator is exposed to dark energy, it becomes 'sour' and doesn't work.(DOR, ORANUR Effect) That's my basic understanding of how that works. But I had NO confirmation of this, and was working off pure intuition/calibration. But this made sense, my home is exceptionally orgone rich, so the prills here were getting exposed to an intense positive orgone field, and thus, extremely energetic, and those drinking my prill water were getting the advantages of this.

So I have been in contact with Blind Guru, and Life Enthusiast to try and find answers, or at least confirmation of my investigation. Here is what I found..

1) They are "Agri-Prills" as the basis for how they start out.
2) They are then re-baked to a specific temperature to clean them out, make them more effective. (harder, etc) 3) They are "Charged" in what he called a "Star Chamber", or Scalar Energy Device. 4) They are then shipped out to people, over 250,000 bags have been sold by BlindGuru alone.

I told him that I thought his "Star Chamber" was just an Orgone Accumulator, and he confirmed, saying "Yup, it is.".. I also explained that these prills pick up bad energy in transit, and therefore, they are mini-accumulators "Yup, they are. Didn't know shipping affected them." he said.. I told him that a method to stop this degradation might be to package them with a tiny packet of Black Tourmaline, he agreed, and they will be trying various things. He said tossing then in a sun for a few hours cleanses them as well - that makes sense.

I told him I have witnessed an "Energetic Shed" of dark energy in someone that drank this stuff.. He said someone charged a pool of water with many pounds of prills, and a intuitive said anyone that dove in, and got back out, dumped all of their baggage. So he said my theory on this is probably pretty accurate. Basically, prill water is orgone-dense water because the prills draw in orgone, then re-release it back into the water through possibly exothermic reaction, and/or slight compression from the water.

Remember, an accumulator accumulates good, and bad energy, which is why Reich moved his studies into the country.. The reason these would work for scrubbing radioactive water is they would 'accumulate' this, and then hold it in, which then they'd dump them down abandoned mines. But for the same reason it accumulates the bad, we can use it to accumulate and focus the good, provided the environment they are in - is good. Orgonite on the other hand, is a "Transmutation" device, it draws in DOR, changes it to POR then re-releases it into the environment.
Hope this helps answer some questions, it certainly confirms my dowsing.

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