
NEEM Oil is fungicide, miticide, bacteriocidal and so very emolliant and 
soothing.  I purchase Green Light at the feed store for around $14 for about a 
pint.  We keep a quart spray bottle of about 1/4 cup neem and filled with pure 
water.  Just spray or otherwise wet the affected and surrounding areas.

It is no longer labeled "ALL Organic" but now "for Organic Gardening".    When 
I called Green Light about the "other ingredients" and was told they are all 
other oils to help the Neem disperse in water.  I am VERY chemically sensitive 
and the Neem has never bothered me in any way except making my skin softer and 
stopp itchiness in the winter.  I have used it full strength on bites and on my 
cats when they get in a scrape with an invading feline.  The per rescue home 
here in our small town now uses Neem and I am supplying CS for topical use and 
in their water with great results being reported. 

I hope  and pray your little feline friend will regain healthy skin soon.


"Dorothy Fitzpatrick" <>
"" <>
I think you need to mix CS with DMSO to get the penetration you need.  dee

On 4 Jul 2010, at 13:24, beitharmony wrote:

> Hi,
> My cat has ringworm, everything I've tried has not succeeded. Maybe my CS is 
> not strong enough. Now she has 2 patches on her neck. I need a solution quick 
> because she's going mad with the itching - as soon as it has only begun 
> healing - she digs in again. An E collar won't help as she goes outside. Been 
> there done that. Is there SUPER DUPER HEAVY DUTY CS for sale by anyone here 
> that people can vouch for? Because you just might have a customer.
> Joy