Hello Sol,

If you have someone to help you, and can follow directions exactly, here is
a way to deal with your sinus issues.

Understand that these are powerful chemicals.  If you use them properly,
they work great, but don't try to abuse them.

You will need a humidifier and 5% sodium chlorite.

Mix up a bottle with 1 liter of water in it and add 5 ml (about 1 teaspoon)
of the 5% sodium chlorite to it.  Put this water into the humidifier and
point it away from you.  You don't want a direct blast, you just want to
have some of this floating in the air.

Next you will have to find a way to breathe through your nose.

Use the humidifier for 4 hours a day.

This is designed for a "normal sized" room.  This is where you will need a
helper.  Have your helper stand outside for 10 minutes and then walk into
the room while the humidifier is running.  There should be no detectable
odor.  If there is an odor detected, add more water to dilute the solution a

This solution has 150 PPM available chlorine dioxide and virtually no free
chlorine dioxide.  As the vapors fill the room, you will  end up breathing
some of those vapors into your sinus area.  As the solution encounters
infection, trace amounts of chlorine dioxide will be released killing off
the infection.

This is not a "whizz bang" production, but is designed to knock the
infection down a little bit at a time.  After 3  - 4 days of this, you
should experience an improvement.

Now comes the hard part.  The sinus area is supposed to have a beneficial
flora in it.  Infections form when the flora gets wiped out or out of
balance.  Chlorine dioxide will probably wipe out the flora along with the
infection, so after a few days of using the humidifier, stop using it and
find a way to introduce some probiotics into your sinus area.
Unfortunately, the re-growth of flora in the sinus area is a slow process,
and hopefully you won't get re-infected while you are trying to grow the new

This is a 3 - 4 day process.  Make sure the level in the room is below the
odor threshold, and be sure to add probiotics after the infection has been
knocked down.

This process (minus the addition of probiotics) has been used with chickens,
turkeys, and ducks, and has been very successful in dealing with respiratory
problems.  In those cases the "chicken coop" has a lot more ventilation, and
the concentration used was about 1000 PPM.  The time was reduced to a
fogging morning and night.  I have tried this inside a house and 1000 PPM is
way too high, 500 PPM is about the odor threshold, so 150 PPM should not
present a problem.  Having the humidifier run for 4 hours will make up for
the lower PPM concentration.

This is a technical procedure, so make sure you understand all of the
instructions.  I am not sure what probiotic will work best, but you should
be able to find on by doing some research.  People introduce the probiotic
by using a neti pot, but there are other ways to do this if you are unable
to use one.

Good luck and here's hoping you achieve better health.


-----Original Message-----
From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 12:22 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>sinus infection/sinus washing

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Hi sol, sorry to hear you are unwell.  Do you spray the CS up the nose?
Or have you thought of a Medisana (I can't remember if you have one)  Also,
what about CS and H202?  
Well, err, it is embarrassinhg to admit I stopped misting with CS  the 
pain I was in was so all-consuming, it simply drove everything else out 
of mind. I simply forgot my misting. I am using CS/DMSO nose drops, for 
that purpose I prefer DMSO as an additicve to H202.  I do have a 
Medisana, that I ran at night with distilled water or CS (it mists 
rigfht over my face when I'm in my bed, but I haven't been able to lay 
down for 6 weeks, and can't find a plae to run it near the chair I spend 
my nights in. I also have a small hand held Omron nebulizer, with an 
extension tube, you made me remember it. I can get my husband to set it 
up for me and nebulize CS-MSM-DMSO a couple times a day.

I hurry to say that misting CS didn't stop protecting me fdrom sinus 
infections, etrc, I stopped mistring...........this is the firest sinus 
infection I've had in 8 years or so, and it is not a cold, just tyhe sinus.

Pain meds and DMSO applicationhs help with the upper back pain from the 
discs, but do not help the tingling burning nerve pain in my 
hands..................and I've done about all the tryping I can do 
today...........so may have to postpone further replies to aother day, 
or keep them to one or two words, very hard for such a wordy person as 

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