Before launching into a "headlong" pursuit of the
CO2 generation might find this commentary
useful/interesting.   I do
not have enough documented data to issue any useful comments.
However, our research using amorphous diatomaceous earth revealed
that NOTHING WE EMPLOYED equaled the ability to incite fire ants to
move to another did a generous sprinkling of DE all
over the top of the mound.   About a pint of material for a mound 20"
in diameter.   Additionally, we enjoyed a "high-speed"  disabling of
quite large
numbers ants.....within, literally, seconds of applying the powdered
DE.  One should note the VIOLENT reaction of all of the ants which
come into direct contact
with the DE-----as it infiltrates all of the joints/appendages of each ant.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley

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