Subject line changed to reflect topic

-----Original Message-----
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Dr. Simeon's hCG Diet; Is: homeopathic HCG link

hello sol, nice to hear from you--it seems ages since you posted.  I
hesitate to ask, but have you tried thinking of this neuropathy as being a
herpes assault?  I mean the zoster variety.  If so, have you thought of MMS
because this seems to have sorted mine and I've only been using it for a
while.  I get recurring bouts of mild shingles when I'm under stress, and
then the 'stabbing' pains across my ribs and under my upper arms.  this has
stopped now.  Just a thought.  dee

On 2 Aug 2010, at 00:35, sol wrote:

> Sad to say, my personal experience is that almost nothing works for
me------I'm always the odd one with my current peripheral
neuropathy I am in the .5% to 3% of people who experience INCREASED pain
from all NSAIDS...........unfortunately this meant that opiate combos like
vicoprofen didn't help very much.
> Neuropathy is a real bitch.
> sol

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