My wife started having bleeding from the gums during her daily brushing 
regimen.  Much simpler than your situation, but rather than using EIS (which 
she hates) i suggested she try our godzilla zapper (instructions on the 
micro-electricity yahoo group).   Basically, she spent 15 minutes sending 6V of 
current through her jaws.   We think this has ended the beginnings of gum 

In the past she suffered terrible problems due to TMD (Temporo Mandibular 
Dysfunction) which is pretty much TMJ on steroids.    She ended up having a 
couple jaw surgeries to address congenital malformed bite issues. but had to 
prep for a year with a special splint that had to be adjusted frequently as her 
jaw joints healed and swelling was eliminated.

The dentist was a specialist in a fairly new dental approach called 
bioesthetics.  Worth checking into.  Changed my wife's life.

--- On Mon, 8/23/10, jaxi <> wrote:

From: jaxi <>
Subject: CS>OT - Dental work - infection? - tx ideas?
To:, "LDN LowDoseNaltrexone" 
Date: Monday, August 23, 2010, 12:22 PM

Last Monday I had my last 2 old fillings replaced.  Top left side of the 
mouth.  First molar and last molar.
I have had TMJ issues for over 20 years.  I wear a splint at night which 
typically helps.
I have a congenital fusion of C2/C3 which appears to refer left.
I always have some level of pain on the left.  My left tonsil is always 
slightly swollen, as are the glands/nodes under the ear and under the rear 
chin.  My left sinuses are always slightly congested/draining.  I get all 
migraines in the left side.  I have trigeminal nerve inolvment on the left with 
jaw pain/migraine activity.  I almost always feel like I have a mild ear 
infection on the left.  It was this cluster of symptoms that eventually lead to 
us discovering the congential fusion.

Okay, back to dental work - Monday afternoon fillings replaced.  Starting about 
Wednesday I noticed an increase in pain in left tonsil and the glands below the 
ear (sort of in front of the eustacian tube) and under the rear chin.

I thought, okay my body is a wee bit cranky about the dental work and fighting 
an infection.  I top first molar was also a bit sore and did not like it when I 
bit down on it - that pain has since mostly abated.

Late Wed the occipital node on the left also started hurting.  So now all those 
glands on the left are both swollen and painful, as is the left tonsil area and 
left ear area, the throat is a bit sore as well.  I am also tired and a bit 
lethargic - but we have a lot of heat and humidity here right now so I would 
expect that regardless.  Saturday I had a bought of diarrhea - but with the 
heat, humidity and the fact that I ate something I really shouldn't have - it 
may or may not be related.

I am not running a fever but am wondering if the LDN and EIS are keeping the 
infection in check just enough that I haven't gotten that bad yet.
Some things I've read online suggest occipital gland inflamtion is an 
indication of a fungal infection??  In my jaw/teeth?
I don't really want to do a round of antibiotics if I can avoid it.
I currently consume about 2 ounces of EIS a day - straight EIS (no salt, H2O2, 
or anything else added to it) - silverpuppy homemade.  1 ounce in the morning 
when I get up and another ounce at night before bed, I hold it in my mouth for 
1-5 minutes before swallowing.  I take 4.5 mg LDN at night (tx ulcerative 
colitis and pain with the LDN).  I take an assortment of other supplements (D3, 
tumeric, fish oil, DLPA, ALA, B complex, grapefruit seed extract and a few 
others at are escaping my brain right now).

I did try a couple rounds of oil pulling Thursday night, Friday and Saturday, 
but not since Sat morning.  It's the 4 hrs after food and at least 1 hr after 
beverage that messes me up.
Should I up EIS intake?  Oils of ... ??? oregano and cinnamin have both been 
mentioned in the past related to dental/mouth stuff I think ... Oils ingested, 
applied to inside of mouth?  Just suck it up and get antibiotics?  Ideas?

Sorry for the long email.  I do appreciate ideas.  I've been internet searching 
but it makes my head hurt because there is often so much conflicting info out 