Re: CS>[List Owner]Archive listing on web site...and Silver-eskimo Processing 
of Information
And I add an AMEN to third the motion!
 When I was thirsty, you fed me.  When I was needy, you gave me the information 
that I needed.  When I needed to communicate, you communicated with me both by 
listening and in sharing from your vast stores of incredible (and sometimes so 
over my head) knowledge.  I am totally amazed at the amount of valid 
information flowing from person to person on this site.  That personal touch is 
very good for some of us (ME) and a welcome part of the process.  Through that 
personal touch I have found other fantastic forums to join.  
Mike, I cannot thank you enough for sharing of yourself to start and keep this 
forum running.  I have learned about silver and slavers (how we can be tracked 
and monitored without our knowledge or awareness).  What I still lack is 
understanding (in very simple terms, guys and gals) of how to navigate the web 
for information without the exposures many of you have told us about.  
If anyone is up to the challenge of speaking to me in those very simple terms, 
I am ready to start making changes as I can feel in my heart the need to begin 
such a transition.  I need a step by can do this and then you can do 
this and this email is good and this is how to get it and this is how to use it 
and this is what to avoid because of the tracking issues etc etc etc  Hey, 
maybe that would be a good off topic post......
Thanks Mike!  Keep up your standard of excellent  excellence!
Saturday, August 28, 2010 8:06 PM


"Sandy" <>


I second that

--- On Sat, 8/28/10, Deborah Gerard <> wrote:

From: Deborah Gerard <>
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner]Archive listing on web site...
Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 8:07 AM

I am amazed by people even beginning to complain about anything about this 
group.  The incredible knowledge given out "freely" here is priceless. If you 
don't like the way it is sent out....just go join a different group.