Does your brother take Glucophage/Metformin for his diabetes?
If so, i wish to let you know that this drug depletes one's magnesium and 
vitamin B12.  When low on any, it can cause havoc to your health.  MDs don't 
test for this normally, actually stays away from these tests.  When i asked for 
one, the doc asked me why i wanted it, and i said, well you gave me glucophage 
which i have been taking for years and I KNOW that it depletes me of mag and 
b-12.  He very reluctantly had the test made and sure enough i was so low on 
them.  He wrote a prescription, not on medical  pads, but at the back of his 
calling card to take mag 400 mg and b12.   Can you beat that?  After this, we 
both fired each other.
Another possibility is low in HCL.  As we age, we can be pretty low in HCL.  
The symptoms of this one, makes you think you will die soon from heart attack, 
depression with no explanation - just like as if your whole mind and body is so 
very sad you want to cry, can't get up in the morning, jittery, cold, can't 
breathe, headaches, etc.  I underwent all this and went to MD and he gave me 
antacid which made it really far worse.  I mentioned it casually to my chiro, 
and he handed me Nutri-west product called Hydra-D.  In half an hour i was 
renewed and fully recovered.  He advised me not to take high doses of  HCL 
otherwise body will get "lazy" in producing it.
Hope he fully recovers.
--- On Wed, 9/8/10, 
<> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #740
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 10:14 AM