please remove me. I have tried to opt out of the group but that didn't work. 

-----Original Message-----
>From: "M. G. Devour" <>
>Sent: Oct 3, 2010 9:45 PM
>Subject: CS>WARNING! from list owner
>I'm always amazed at the difference 24 hours can make. Things weren't 
>going too bad, until somebody decided they are going to try to run the 
>list for me.
>Robert offered what I would consider a prescription for a spiritual 
>healing modality, little different than EFT or Reiki or other 'energy 
>healing' or otherwise non-physical techniques that sometimes pop up in 
>discussions here.
>As odd as it may seem to those who are particularly sensitive to the G-
>word, it was actually a technical post, if largely off topic.
>I never have and do not now intend for those types of contributions to 
>become a frequent feature of the list or to overwhelm our discussions.
>That said, Robert's infraction of the list rules was of such a 
>negligible nature that I would only have cautioned him about it, 
>gently, and only if he'd showed signs of making a habit of it.
>The response to Robert's post by Dave and a few others is a more 
>serious problem.
>The list rule prohibiting discussion of religion and politics is not 
>intended as a WEAPON to be used by members to enforce THEIR will on 
>other members, but a tool for each member to guide their OWN behavior.
>Dave labelling Robert's post as "... a bunch of obscene bull shit" is 
>an attack that is entirely out of proportion to the provocation and not 
>behavior I intend to tolerate toward *ANY* of my members.
>First and most obvious, Dave does NOT run the list, I do. It's not his 
>or any other member's job to discipline other members or to complain 
>about their behavior on-list. Such public complaints are disruptive in 
>themselves and are also clearly against the same rules he was so quick 
>to invoke.
>Your job as members is to contact me privately when, in your opinion,  
>something is going wrong on the list. I will happily accept such input 
>and use it to guide my moderation, many times acting behind the scenes 
>to coach people toward the expected behavior.
>That's my job, use me.
>Second, the prohibition on discussions of religion, spirtuality, or the 
>metaphysical is not the same as intolerance OF those beliefs. As I say 
>in the list rules...
>> I am not asking you to "de-God" everything you say, do or think,
>> however. Brief greetings, thanks, and prayer requests or offerings are
>> acceptable. The occasional "God bless", or "you're in our prayers"
>> will not be seen as a transgression. 
>Yes, Robert's offering was outside those guidelines and not the kind of 
>thing I am going to encourage routinely, but I will also not allow the 
>creation of an environment which is HOSTILE to those who so believe.
>Intolerance of spirituality is no better or worse in my eyes, as the 
>person who has to moderate the discussion, than the religious 
>intolerance that causes such topics to rapidly descend to the very 
>flames of hell in the first place.  
>Tolerance is called for on both sides... ALL sides. 
>Public complaints about other members' behavior or actions are not 
>appropriate or allowed. 
>Aggressive behavior toward other members, who are also my guests here, 
>is *still* prohibited.
>Lastly, since at least one person mentioned it, let me remind you all 
>that I also consider assaultive or aggressive behavior in private e-
>mail to other members inappropriate. If you receive such items and they 
>concern you, let me know. Participation in this list should not result 
>in anyone being subjected to such things.
>For your reference, the list rules reside at ... 
>Please re-read them and contact me if you have any further questions.
>Let the thread die now. Don't respond if somebody else does before they 
>see this message. It may take another day or two for it to completely 
>end. Let it.
>Thank you,
>Mike Devour
>silver-list owner
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[                        ]
>[Speaking only for myself...               ]
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
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>Off-Topic discussions: <>
>List Owner: Mike Devour <>