
If you want to keep your friend, agree to disagree and all will be well!  LOL!

Trying to convert someone who is so into the medical field, and does not do 
personal health research for alternative remedies, is a never ending battle.

My own brother has seen proof of what CS can do for his kids cuts, scrapes, eye 
infections, sore throat, coughs, nasal congestion, but he thinks it all 
hogwash.  His kids ask me monthly to make them a new bottle of CS and they are 
three boys under 10 years old!  I make it for them and they refill their nasal 
sprayer, and each keeps a squeeze bottle in their room and use it when feeling 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Barbara A. 
  Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 10:25 PM
  Subject: CS>

  Since this is my first post, I'll introduce myself by saying I have my own 
generator, an SG6 SilverGen. I have some questions regarding getting a stronger 
ppm, but for now, I have another issue which came up tonight:


  I have a friend who is trying to set me straight about using colloidal 
silver. Here is her email to me:


  Had some time to look up this substance on a couple of trusted websites for 
herbals and other things.

  This is one we use in the health region.

  I had some concerns as the consequences in using this substance are severe.

  Just look under the herbs section.

  Take care



  Natural standard


  I can't access the site without a subscription. Has anyone heard of it? 

  It bothers me that she is only looking at sites her hospital uses for 
research. When I told her I use colloidal for everything from a sore throat, 
eye infections, cuts, use it on my animals, she told me "the placebo effect of 
these alternative therapies is a remarkable thing".  


  So I need some ammunition! Since she is very technical, a good published 
study would be great!


  Thanks. Barbara