"parj...@bellsouth.net" sent a broadcast e-mail to the list along with
his or her entire address book, it looks like.

I just want to point out that one long time member and frequent poster
had to be banned because he couldn't keep from occasionally spamming 
list with stuff he was trying to send out to his friends... but too
often including the list address as well.

Please don't include the Silver List in any message you are 
broadcasting to "everybody" ... If you want to send something to the
group that is relevant and important, put it in a separate message 
appropriate to the list mission and etiquette.

parjac7 has only two posts now, I think. You're batting .500 now, 
friend! <smile>


Mike Devour
Owner, silver-list@eskimo.com

> >>TWO 
> >>> SUBJECT LINES of which 
> >>> to be AWARE 
> >>> 
> >>> Just verified this with 
> >>> Snoops and it is REAL. ALSO WENT TO TRUTH 
> >>> OR FICTION, IT'S on their site also. 
> >>>
> >>> EVERYONE you know! 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>