Thanks for the all comments regarding the distiller. I dont feel so foolish 
about it now.
I read on silvergen website that they recommend taking out the filter and doing 
a double
distilling session. I think its because the filters leave a residue.
Any thoughts about that?



I became discouraged with  DW from the markets 
as it was not consistent.I ended up buying a fairly expensive distiller and 
have not regretted it.In  8 years  it has more than paid for itself as 
I also use the DW for all my drinking and cooking as our tap water is highly 
chlorinated.Even having filters in the system,a primary and then a 
water still does not taste good.The DW for potable is treated with Concentrace 
minerals to bring it up to the proper pH .
For EIS brewing I draw off the tap water in 1 
gallon pails and let sit for approx. 24 hrs to let the chlorine work 