Recently, while evaluating various
Do-it-Yourself protocols for alleviating some of the more
pronounced effects of wrinkled skin around the face (especially the
eyes) and on the hands......we came upon
a quite effective protocol.  Not only measurably effective, but quite
economical in cost.
                      The protocol consisted of diluting hydrolyzed
collagen powder with distilled water ( substituted 10 ppm CS in cases
presenting with skin abrasions), and mixing with undiluted DMSO as
follows:  (1) into about 1 cup of distilled water or CS,
added powdered hydrolyzed collagen to saturation point (no more powder
would go into solution) (2)  using this solution as the
parent (75% by volume), mixed in DMSO (25% by volume) and allowed to
cool to room temperature.
                       Candidate skin surface was prepared by light
washing/rinsing, using weak soap solution.  Damp drying and
applying, generously.....the Collagen X DMSO solution (using care
about the eyes, due to the hygroscopic nature of DMSO).
Allow 5 to 10 minutes for proper absorption.  A shiny surface
appearance is quite is a slightly sticky feel on the
when moved across the treated surface.
                        Obvious Results:  Immediately, it becomes
evident that the very small wrinkles are noticeably reduced in
(a result of the hydrating of the outer skin layers), as the tiny
valleys appear to "fill-in" as the entrained moisture penetrates AND
While the larger wrinkles (containing the higher densities of
"free-standing" lean tissue) present a much lower degree of
they do enjoy a "noticeable/marked" improvement in softness-----due,
primarily, to the improved hydration.
                         Overall enhancement in skin softness and
general pliability,  presents immediately and is evident to even the
most skeptical
(at least that has been our, repeatable, experience).
                          When this protocol is repeated twice daily,
the general improvement in reduced wrinkling effect and skin surface
becomes quite evident.
                           Note:  Due to the residual effect of the
excess collagen on the skin surface (gives a glazed appearance), a
might desire to remove this.......simply by wiping with a damp
cloth------before applying make-up or just leaving it "au natural"
after the wiping.
                           We achieved similar results with several
different suppliers' hydrolyzed collagen product, but the most
appeared to be the "Instantized" variety from Beyond-a-Century.  We
purchased the Hydrolyzed Collagen in the 1 lb. containers....
at reasonable cost from all suppliers.
                            It is of note that care is recommended
when applying the DMSO X COLLAGEN  solution close to the eyes.
there is no demonstrated danger in case some material got on to the
eyeball and/or the lid......the hygroscopic effect of even 25% DMSO
could result in sensations akin to "burning"..  Therefore, care in
application should be shown.
                            I hope this information is of value to
some of the list their personal experimental health
                                                Sincerely,    Brooks Bradley.
p.s.   There is, some, evidence that entrained collagen is
"depositing" in the lean tissue fractions underlying the skin layers.
We have not
employed testing that would, conclusively, substantiate this
indication.  Such testing involves rather costly endeavors......and we
are not in the cosmetics will not undertake such action.  However, such
measures might well appeal to persons who are, commercially,  active
in this field.

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