Thanks so much Marshalee
I put the electrodes 1.5 inches apart and I am using the gadget that only uses 
1 battery
even though it says it has 0-33volts(I am not sure how that works.)
Anyway, it has a 20 min timer and every 20 min I am calculating the water with
hanna pwt meter.
So far I have
started at .1
20 min later:
3.4 had to wipe of black residue this round
So it seems to be doubling every 20 min

I will post the results when it is done.
Trying to get to 10ppm without going yellow. And I need to calculate it from the
pwt chart to get it to ppm. 1=.4 so I have a ways to go.

I dont mind having a battery unit as it will be handy if we have power outage
I'd like to invest in a wall unit in the future... along with a zapper.
Trying to get healthy in a natural way and hopefully help others in my family 
with ailments that dont seem to get better with modern medicine.


Hi, Beth,  I`m Marshalee, an oldie on the List. I`ve been using CS for 14 years 
now. I`m a Lyme Disease survivor thanks to CS.  I make my own CS with a gadget 
that plugs in the wall, giving me 30 volts. (I have used the 3 9-volt batteries 
and salt method, but this works better.) 
I use 2 cups of room temp. DW, and 2 five-inch long pieces of 14 gauge .999 
fine silver wires. I hook them to the box with alligator clips, and use a glass 
2-cup measuring cup, used only for CS making. I leave it for 1 hour which gives 
about 18 PPM clear CS. Thanks to CS I`m well, and I`m not blue or gray (other 
than the hair, and well, I`m 58 now, so yes it IS supposed to be gray!) The CS 
has worked well for my animals too.
I hope this will help! Let me know if you have any other questions.Marshalee
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Beth <> wrote:

Hi all. Just about to make my first batch however I would like

input as to how to do this properly.

The instructions from the company says to make the water hot

to boiling point. But this is to make yellow silver.

I dont want to make yellow product.

So... Im thinking: do I need to heat the water or should

I just plug it in and let it go and see how long it takes

at room temp.?

Also, how far apart should I put the probes? I have it in a

750ml jar. (Which is 5 cups of water.)

I dont have a silver puppy or something to stir it as it cooks. I

wish I did but I spent tons on everything I have so far and

cant just go out and buy another one at this time.
