Actually, the regrettable "research" takes place mostly in Antarctica I 
believe.   I'm not sure whether it has any significant bearing on kelp harvest 
around coastal Japan. 

The whale meat, which I've seen in the grocery, has almost no market;  it's 
baffling that the whalers persist in this, and that the government backs them.  
The meat itself is full of mercury.  Informed people know that it's dangerous 
to eat.  

On 2010/11/17, at 16:11, wrote:

> The reason why the kelp cannot be harvested anymore is due to the pollution 
> as you mentioned, but this pollution is primarily the end result of the 
> massive whale slaughters that have taken place in Japan over these many 
> years. The whales would have gladly taken care of any pollution in the area - 
> and the kelp and other friendly flora and fauna would still be there.
> Joy S
> -- 
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