Tad...is the same as a product like Living Clay?
Thanks Deb

From: Tad Winiecki <winie...@pacifier.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 4:23:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and Dialysis

Scott-  I don't have any personal experience with CS or dialysis or with this 
but it is a post from one of my health groups, I'm not even sure which one.  
It's certainly interesting.  -Nancy

"Hey Peter.  I would recommend the powdered zeolite from
www.zeostore.com <http://www.zeostore.com>  write the lady and ask her whether, 
for you, she
would suggest the fine or medium grade.

I had researched a lot about zeolite and came to the (personal)
conclusion that powdered is just as good as liquid, and much cheaper.
At that time I had found the zeostore and wrote the lady about which
grade to use.  She wrote back and answered all my question.  At that
time, she said they were thinking of going into their own liquid
products.  I recently went to the site and found that though they
haven't started making their own liquid zeolite, they've raised their
prices. :-(  their price had been 5 pounds for $15 or so, very cheap.
Now it is not so cheap--guess they figured that with everyone charging
so much for this stuff, they may as well too.

Still, hers is cheaper than others I've found.

Anyway--I have a 62 year old friend.  Her doctor tested and said that
her kidneys were only working at 1/3 capacity, but that 'it is normal
for someone your age'.  Also, that though she didn't need
medicine--yet--to be careful of what she ate and drank because if it
got worse, she'd have to go on dialysis.