It looks like a decent gen, but it's no different. [Except the silvergen doesn't alternate polarity and uses top down stirring] The Colloid-Master 777 does alternate polarity, but no stirrer. ..just thought I'd toss the Colloid Master in as it hasn't been mentioned in a while and for the money, not a bad unit and easily made better by the user.

The way the [silverlungs...impressively beefy] electrodes are made and placed will sharpen them into needles with unevenly distributed current density. [Tip discharge] [Bend the tips slightly away from each other ...or get them out of the water] Since the ion to particle ratio is more an environmental variable than anything else, it's not likely the ratio control claim is true unless using the same jug of water in the same environment each time. Changing the polarity shift frequency to faster does seem to tweek the ratio down to some extent....likely by sucking more of the ions back onto the electrode when the polarity changes, leaving the non charged particles out there. [I can't find that claim anyhow, or the means by which it is done. Where is it?]

Fred Sprague, using a polarity shifting device and magnetic stirrer ["Smart Silver" from Custom Electronics LLC...a very nice unit no longer made] had been fighting a mega flake situation for years. [No big deal, they do settle out] Turned out that reducing the stir speed to very slow dramatically reduced flake formation and the Silverlungs stirrer does have 2 speeds. [Slow stirring also reduces "greybeard" with a DC output unit ]
 It's very hard to get a stir motor to go slow and not just stop.

Not a bad price on the nebulizer, but cheaper from
Include the convenience factor, pretty good deal I suppose.

oops..a bit of Barwick spread mis-info
"Tiny silver ions and particles (traditionally called "colloidal silver") has been officially banned in The European Union through <>Codex Alimentarius. As of the first day of the new year of 2010, colloidal silver can no longer be sold as a dietary or nutritional supplement in health food stores within The European Union. "

..implying that you can't buy CS in the EU anymore.

You can still buy CS as a disinfectant in the EU....might NEVER have been sold as a dietary or nutritional supplement [EU peeps confirm or deny ..did the label change?] I label generators sent to the EU as Mineral Water Makers. They always get there. [Germany can be tricky on occasion when using APO delivery. Gotta hold your mouth right when staring at customs officials and gargle out something ignorant "mouth wash" or pet supply?]

Silver has no nutritional or dietary niche anyway, which is why it isn't toxic like micro-nutrient metals can be, so the labeling and sale as such is a misnomer to start inaccuracy conveniently being overlooked by the FDA who as much as said they don't want to even look at the stuff in their "Final Statement" [Go away kid, stop looking for approval of something we don't find any need to test when we also don't have the funds to test it..if you insist, we'll just say no, so shut up and do want you want to. IF you have a problem, maybe THEN call us ?..we just can't seem to find any to address other than labeling. And BTW "Not proven safe and effective" doesn't mean unsafe or ineffective...get it? ]

"No other manufacturer of colloidal silver generators offers a complete solution for direct delivery throughout the entire body as well as the proper UV protected glassware and applicators required to preserve and protect your self-produced silver solutions." [as though it needed that or an Erlenmeyer flask was any different than a measuring cup or colored glass bottles serve any real function with a non photo reactive liquid such as pure silver ions and electrochemical byproducts made in pure water]

"Crash Course" uses a TEM photo to show particle oxidized by drying ions so a TEM CAN photograph them, the vast majority those particles were never in the water to have been photographed. It's ions made much larger as silver oxide to make a claim of small..and far too numerous and densely packed to represent a particle ratio of 85% ionic to 15% particulate, much less 97% or whatever where only 3% of the space photographed would have any particles in it at all. If a TEM image did show a particle that WAS in the water, it may take a while to find it, given a limited field of view.

This is what CS "actually" looks like...while wet. [note how few particles there are, accurately representing the ion to particle ratio. I'm not aware of any device that can photograph an ion. ]

"Silver particles are also produced in a smaller ratio as "grains" of silver. These grains of silver are detached from the same crystallized structure of the silver electrodes as a secondary result of ion production through a process referred to as "under cutting." Electrolysis can cause separation at the "grain boundaries" of silver crystals which causes a group of crystallized silver atoms to detach from the silver electrode as a particle. "

 I doubt that.
If true, those particles of pure silver wouldn't be crystals made by undercutting [albiet most metals do have a crystal lattice structure ] and they'd likely be relatively huge. As a pit deepens, the edges sharpen and increase edge discharge of ions which would round off that edge. At such low voltages and current, undercutting isn't likely. In the electroplating field, getting ions into the back side of holes is quite difficult, requiring so much current that the edges "burn" It takes "bleed wires" to do a nice job. [or out of holes per reverse current cleaning tanks rounding off the hole edges before the backside comes clean, but no undercutting.]
 Much more likely.....
The small percentage of "silver" particles, [vs the majority being Silver Hydroxide particles] are formed when a silver ion picks up an electron, only available at a surface that has electrons available, to liquid interface. Being...An attachment point of a bubble to an electrode, the water surface to electrode interface and possibly from the capacitive qualities of glass interacting with electromagnetic radiation as the source of the electrons. evidenced by the formation of a well bonded mirror on the glass bottom surface if the electrodes are too close and no stirring is used to keep a high concentration of ions away from the bottom.


At 07:10 PM 1/15/2011 -0500, you wrote:
Hello gang!

I'm curious if anybody knows anything about the "silver lungs" generator at I like the fact that you can control the ionic/particle ratio, but it is an expensive unit! Does it differ much from the "silvergen" or "silver puppy" to justify the price?

Anyone with knowledge of this unit, please let me know!

Thank you!

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