Thanks Mike,
Your post is reassuring. I have psoriasis which is responding well to a mix of gotu kola tincture, DMSO, glycerin and Lugol's. I use this on all my patches at night and many during the day, but there are some on my face and forearms that I'd like to cover with make-up in the daytime. Obviously i don't want the make-up (no matter how clean they claim it is) to be carried in, so have wondered if I should wash off the mixture first, or let it reamin as a remedial layer beneath the cover-up.

Be well,

On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:51 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Hi Mike,
How long after one has put DMSO on skin would it still have carrying
potential? EG., if I put DMSO and CS on a wound on my hand and later
wanted to put regular hand lotion on for cold-weather chapping. Thanks
and be well, Léna

I don't really have enough knowledge of its action to say for sure. I
would imagine that Sandy's suggestion (when it's dry) is probably safe.

I notice that it does remain "tacky" or a bit damp feeling for quite a
while, moreso than just with water.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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