Most xylitol today is made from corn, not from tree inner bark. Unless the maker specifies the source as being the tree bark, assume it is from corn. I use xylitol myself, and for medicinal use it is great. I would not use it as a sugar substitute as eating it in any amount will cause digestive upset and likely diarhea in many folks. It can throw your whole digestive track off. It is a sugar alcohol, and definately acts like one, despite its genuine health benefits. But use it with caution in terms of a regular part of your diet. Sara

On 2/2/2011 8:15 AM, Tel Tofflemire wrote:
*Kenny, Go to < <>_ > They are the best price for xy**litol, sweetener low in calories, and tastes great, Sweden has used it for many years, I have used it for over 13 years. It is such a good product all natural and made from tree inner bark. They use it in Dental applications, Nose Spray, Diet Sweets, Gum, Candy, lost of stuff.*
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* Kenny laguna <>
*Sent:* Tue, February 1, 2011 4:12:04 PM
*Subject:* CS>Question abou Xylito and CS

Hi everyone!

Can somebody please tell me exactly what Xylitol is, and how much to mix with 10ppm CS for sinus infections? Also how much of the mixture to use?

Thank you so much!

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