We also had to search a bit and finally found HEB brand seltzer water 
at a larger HEB supermarket.   I believe we also found a water and CO2 only at 
Walmart - but passed it up because the HEB was a few cents less per bottle. 
Last trip into town I noticed that the HEB sletzer had gone from 2/$1 to 57 
cents each...so that is close to the Walmart price.  Hope you find it and that 
it helps!  
Blessings, paula
CS>afibbers magnesium bicarbonate water - off topic
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:17 PM


"PT Ferrance" <ptf2...@bellsouth.net>


I finally got around to going and purchasing the necessary items to make the 
magnesium bicarbonate water. The only thing is that when I got home I found 
that the Seagram's club soda I purchased also has potassium phosphate, 
magnesium sulvate and potasium bicarbonate in it. The directions were specific 
about having nothing other than CO2 and water but I have been looking and have 
not been able to find any seltzer or club soda in the stores I have been 
checking that are only CO2 and water.

Any ideas?