On 5/15/2011 12:39 PM, Malcolm wrote:
Please be cautious about throwing flour on any flames, there's quite a
history of explosions in flour mills due to the amount of flour in the
air suddenly igniting.  This lead to new laws governing the amount of
flour dust allowed in the mills.

Absolutely. When I was young we would take gallon paint can, and affix a long tube to the bottom, set it down and put a pile of flour over the opening where the tube came in, and set a burning candle in there. The we would blow on the tube, and the can would explode like a cherry bomb. Pretty cool.

Since I live with wood heat - i.e. a wood stove - I've had occasion to
find this out by tossing in flour and getting a pretty good "WHOOSH"!
One thing to be very careful of is throwing water on the fire of a wood stove. I had a friend blow up his house doing that. Hot coals plus water gives off water gas, carbon monoxide and hydrogen, a very explosive and poisonous mixture.

I've never tried flour for burns, but I have used ice-water which kills
the pain and seems to help with rapid healing.
Take care,

On Sun, 2011-05-15 at 12:56 +0000, craehow...@juno.com wrote:

This came from a very reliable
source and is worth distributing.
          Once I was cooking some
         corn and stuck my fork in
         the boiling
         water to see if the corn
         was ready. I missed and my
         hand went
         into the boiling water....

         A friend of mine, who was a
         Vietnam vet, came into the
         house, just
         as I was screaming, and
         asked me if I had some
         plain old flour...I
         pulled out a bag and he
         stuck my hand in it. He
         said to keep my hand
         in the flour for 10 mins.
         which I did. He said that
         in Vietnam, this guy
         was on fire and in their
         panic, they threw a bag of
         flour all over him to
         put the fire out...well, it
         not only put the flour out,
         but he never even
         had a blister!!!!

         SOOOO, long story short, I
         put my hand in the bag of
         flour for 10 mins,
         pulled it out and had not
         even a red mark or a
         blister and absolutely NO
         PAIN. Now, I keep a bag of
         flour in the fridge and
         every time I burn myself,
         I use the flour and never
         ONCE have I ever had a red
         spot, a burn or a
         *Cold flour feels even
         better than room
         temperature flour.

         Miracle, if you ask me.
         Keep a bag of white flour
         in your fridge and you
         will be happy you did. I
         even burnt my tongue and
         put the flour on it for
         about 10
         mins. and the pain was gone
         and no burn. Try it! BTW,
         don't run your burn area
         under cold water first,
         just put it right into the
         flour for 10 mins and
         experience a miracle

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