My apologies for this tardy follow-up on my
earlier post.  My email client went haywire, just
as I was sending the email and I was forced to attend
previously-scheduled business.  Unfortunately,
it is something of an effort for me to construct such lengthy
postings....and a disillusionment when such effort goes awry.
        That said, here is the gist of the remainder of my ill-fated
post.   While the utilization of compression hose gave the
most rapid response to the swelling issues, there were a couple of
other self-help protocols which yielded quite effective
results. One being the use of Alpha Lipoic Acid, used as a direct aid
in managing/stabilizing glucose levels and as a VERY
effective support for the liver.  The insult to the liver (from
diabetes) is sometimes as great.....even more pronounced......than
that experienced by the pancreas.  The wonderful work performed by Dr.
Bert Berkson  on Alpha Lipoic Acid beneficial effects
has revolutionized (in some quarters) the "systemic" approach  to
addressing diabetes......most especially Type II.  We found that
400 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), taken twice daily yielded POWERFUL
assistance, both in glucose management (lowering the insulin
requirement dramatically), and in the swift abatement of the more
aggravating  effects of peripheral neuralgia (burning, tingling and/or
directly at the high pain-sites------and most especially the
feet/ankles.    ALA has demonstrated to be powerful, rapid-acting,
non-toxic....and LOW COST,
and  the additional effect of multiplying the effectiveness of vitamin
C and E.......resulting from its ability to recover (in situ) a
majority of the principal
components......and recirculate them.
        There is one,other, protocol which is designed to mitigate
against the discouraging, constantly-expanding  effects of slow and/or
non-healing ulcerations
attendant to many/most of the long-standing cases of diabetes.  The
major challenge, which prevents new-tissue granulation and progressive
the result of poor circulation.  Blood thinners do, sometimes, provide
some measure of relief.....but are in general poor methodology for
correcting non-healing ulcers.
The lack of oxygen to the insulted tissue beds is the main problem.
Our simple protocol of utilizing 10 to 15 ppm EIS (colloidal silver)
at 80% by volume, mixed
with FULL-STRENGTH DMSO  at  20% by volume....sprayed liberally upon
the ulcer proper and encased  (the entire foot-ankle-calf region) in a
small garbage bag----
filled with 100% oxygen, furnished an excellent modality for
initiating/sustaining new-tissue granulation -------and, subsequently,
healing of the ulcer.  We found that by
simply inserting a small plastic tube inside the plastic bag and
securing the top with a rubber band---worked quite well.  We found
that maintaining about20 psi discharge
pressure level from the artist's air-brush assembly, worked quite
well.  Actually, any reasonable pressure from the airbrush assembly
(even down to 10 psi differential)
sufficient to keep the garbage bag inflated, was acceptable.  While my
posting may seem complicated to some, in actuality, it is quite
         Employing the foregoing O2  X  DMSO/EIS protocol, we were
able, in some cases, to effectively correct some foot/ankle
non-healing ulcers of over 18 months
standing and 1" in diameter-------and to do soin less than 4 weeks.
         My apologies for such a lengthy post, but I hope the central
stream of information clear.....and simple---enough to be of some
value to interested list members.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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