Hi Harold,
My father-in-law was very sick with chronic lung issues, from job- related pollutants and perhaps Lyme as well. He always researched: sometimes starting with the teasers in tabloid newspapers, then reading all sorts of magazines, then bouncing things off a couple docs he respected. As time went one, they respected him, more and more as he somehow maintained a remarkable degree of functioning health despite over 25 years of prednisone. I'm so glad I was interested, and listened to him. Most of the family was weary of the chronic illness; I was interested in his tireless quest. He lit the way for me, so that when I suspected my Lyme disease, and doctors didn't, I stepped out and began to research like he had. He's been gone quite a while, well before the internet (which he would have loved), but now that I'm slowly, but steadily recovering, I feel his hovering curiosity and approval, and thank him for the great example he set.

Your youngest daughter and her husband are very lucky.

Be well,

On Jun 25, 2011, at 12:05 AM, Harold MacDonald wrote:

I have come to the conclusion that most people do not want to make the effort to get out of their rut.For almost as long as I can remember, [in my 88th year now] we have been brain-washed into believing that all we have to do is go to the Drs/med. system and we will get an over- night miracle cure for any and all the afflictions that we brought on ourselves.So,why should we go to the effort of upsetting our comfortable rut? In the last 30 + years I have been a health nut with a great deal of time and money spent researching,etc.,I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people that have really listened to me and followed my advice and help,with good results.Two of those people are my youngest daughter and her husband.
Now I do not offer any advice unless I am sure they are serious.
There were times when I had no recourse but to go for Medical treatment,and each time I ended up worse off.
"It is to weep!"