
My name is Vicki and I am very interested in learning more about colloidal 
silver.  Thank you so much for having a chat board online for questions from 
newbies and postings from more experienced people.  I found out about colloidal 
silver in a round about way.  We adopted a cat last summer that had ringworm.  
Two people in the household (plus our other cat) got ringworm.  We tried the 
conventional over the counter medications and also visited the doctor for 
various cures.  Some helped but none seemed to cure or get rid of it.

Colloidal silver from our health store was the biggest help along with diet 
change (less sugar and carbs).  Since I did a little research on colloidal 
silver before trying I know it has many uses and I am excited to learn about 
those through this group.

Thank you,