Thanks for the great info!
After being misdiagnosed for 40 years, and currently recovering after 45+ years of Plum Island weaponized Lyme using Rife frx. and S&C to do so, I'm painfully aware of how poorly the medical establishment in general is serving people, and it's peculiar penchant for persecuting those who ARE serving well.

Just as Communist China broke open the precious egg of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom so that it has, in diaspora, begun to proliferate around the world, so this abuse of all that Hippocrates held sacred is now driving the responsibility of healing into the hands of those who are willing to take a chance, do their own homework and be their own lab-rats. So glad to be one of them! My only concern is that the effective remedies we've found will be withdrawn from our reach: a truly evil thing.

Be well,

On Sep 4, 2011, at 11:13 PM, wrote:

At 03:49 PM 9/4/2011, you wrote:

Hi Friends in these Groups,

I've been wrestling with achilles' tendonitis,

Shark cartilage is reported to be great for building cartilage in damaged joints. If I had problems, I sure would give it a try and I would use only the SC from Compassionet, which is what Lane Labs site is now called. Here is the story about Benefin:

I just went thereto Compassionet via I found they are selling shark cartilage on sale at $85 right now, and that is nicely discounted to about the same price as when I purchased it back in the 1990's when I had cancer. Yes, it was called Benefin then, but I bet Dr. Lane is selling the same high quality in this renamed product!

The FDA did a real number on Lane, who had a website with a very popular forum with people writing questions and telling their own success stories with SC over cancer at the time. Lane kept begging for a true trial so he could show the world it worked (after showing major successes in Cuba in the early nineties, a trial which was highly publicized on Sixty Minutes). The gov. snookered him. They set up a trial for Benefin, then changed ALL the critical parameters necessary for success so it was doomed to fail. Never mind the poor devils that died as a result!.

Then they did a "gotcha" on Wm. Lane, and said basically, "There we proved you are a fraud, now you must cease and desist, and stop selling Benefin, and not say it helps cancer patients, AND by the way, to settle this suit, cough up $2 million "(Maybe it was less, its been awhile and I forget all the details)! I met a friend via Lane's forum, who had dragged herself back from death's door with ovarian cancer in the early nineties using Benefin. She had much of her system ruined with all the chemo and other treatments, but she lived and she is still alive. She wrote a book about that experience, and put up a website to tell about it, too. After the Feds slapped Lane down, they went to her and told her that she could not talk about curing herself with SC on her own personal website. She gives away her book, which was printed by an "angel," who wanted to help her get the word out.

About that time, just before the gov pounced on Lane, I had a friend who found herself in Stage IV cancer (breast, metastasized to liver) looking at a very short time before death. I suggested she take SC. It takes a minimum of about 12 weeks before you can tell if it is going to work. Big shocker -- she was back on her way to perfect glowing health by that time, soon was again playing tennis twice a week, working full time, and eating like a horse. But her smartie son read the propaganda against SC and told her she had been scammed and was wasting her money. Guess he was sure the chemo had been the answer. She stopped taking the SC. In a few months she was sick again, on chemo again, and died not long afterwards from a common cold -- which became a massive infection that her destroyed immune system could not fight off.

Another thing to try for your tendonitis, is infra red therapy. I had very painful tendonitis in both wrists a few years ago. The conventional docs would have injected cortisone to relieve the pain, but I learned that after two or three shots of that stuff, your tendons begin to turn to mush. That actually did happen to a woman I knew. She never walked again. An internet search took me to the Anodyne site. Anodyne was developed by NASA. My doc had never heard of it, but wrote a referral to the rehabilitation centers which DO use it when I asked her to do so, and my tendonitis was relieved after only about three or four painless treatments. It works because it draws Nitric Oxide to the site of the wound or inflammation and the increased oxygenation promotes healing. There are knockoff infra red treatments you can buy on the internet that cost far less than the patented unit, like this one: I bought one with another brand name, and it is useful for sprains, and other pains. If you have insurance to cover the rehab facilities' costs, by all means try it. My tendonitis never came back. No drugs to mess up your liver or make you sick; nothing invasive; just a blessed relief from pain.

OK, I am getting off my soapbox, now.

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