I would love to find that to be true, because micro-waving is so convenient. I realize now that the experiments with plants back in the day may have had more to do with the response of the water of which they were composed, than the plants, themselves. So I wonder, also if there could be a way of remediating microwave damage of other foods, like vegs, etc.

Be well,
On Sep 8, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Marshall wrote:

In the tests I am running tomorrow with the pendents and orgonite, I have 3 jars with distilled water with words written on them: Love, Hate and Fear. Those should be part of the plots I should have tomorrow.

Lots of things can restructure water, including microwaves. I need to test that as well, as I suspect simply blessing the water might easily eliminate any adverse structuring.


On 9/8/2011 10:11 PM, Guyot Léna wrote:

Hi Marshall,
This experiment you're running is fascinating!
If you haven't seen it already, you might be interested in reading 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by Masaru Emoto, a scientist who found that taping hostile or loving messages to a water jug would affect the symmetry or distortion of subsequent frozen crystals from those jugs. It was a small scientific paper that went viral and was republished (two vol.s I think) for the general public. His finding on micro-waved water has cured me of heating my tea water that way!

Be well,
On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:44 PM, Marshall wrote:

I am planning on rerunning those tests next week. At that time I was using 2 matched vials, and had done the reiki with the water in the vial. Big mistake, it totally screwed up the vial, so it no longer was matched to the other one. The replacement cost was something like $100, and I ended up getting a reiki master to come over and clear both the vials so they matched again. When I rerun it I will use the same vial for both the baseline and the sample, and will NOT do the prayer or reiki on water in the vial, but in a jelly jar then pour it into the vial, like I just did on the tests today. That way it should have no effect on the vial quartz at all. I am considering the possibility that the reiki and prayer were actually very similar, but because reiki screwed up the vial that maybe the baseline for the prayer was run with, it might be a problem that the vials no longer matched, one of them had an absorption pattern like the water after reiki did. At the time I ran those tests I did not realize the vial had gotten messed up by the reiki, but did later when I ran some more tests. Thus I really have no idea if that is a factor or not, and thus am wanting to rerun the test. I should know in the next few days. Right now I am running tests with a number of pendents and orgonite to see what effect their energy has on the water.


On 9/8/2011 9:27 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:
Got it.  Thanks.

I think it would be interesting to see the result of reiki plus prayer (especially by Donna), as they almost exactly would be expected to cancel out.


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