Cayenne was one of Dr Christopher's favorite-favorites. My boyfriend used his 
eyedrops for a while trying to battle macular degeneration. They sting, but do 
not harn the eye.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Guyot Léna 
  Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 4:55 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: 9 Sept - Re Dr Schultze's eyebright with cayenne pepper 

  ok, Chuck, NOW you've go my attention! 
  I use cayenne on my joints and aches and pains, but when i have the 
misfortune to accidentally get some on my finger and then into the eye it's 
scary hurty!
  I add MSM to CS, and when uveitis flares, I add a little DMSO, but haven't 
yet done cayenne. I also have eyebright tincture. Would that do?

  Be well,

  On Sep 9, 2011, at 6:23 PM, wrote:

  My personal Daily eyedrop formula is exactly that;

  MSM dissolved to saturation IN 1 oz of colloidal silver,
  approx 15 drops of Shultzes Eyebright with cayenne formula,
  tsp DMSO

  Been using this for several years.
  My ophthalmologist is baffled that a slight cataract has never

  Preliminary operational tests were inconclusive
  (the damn thing blew up)

  On 9/9/2011 11:59:27 AM, Marshall ( wrote:

    I really have no experience on this specific topic, and thus cannot really

    provide any scientifically experience grounded advise.  However I am

    reluctant to put EIS or CS in the eye over the long term. Although

    unlikely to produce any argyria, if it did, the effect on the vision could

    be so severe that I would only use it occasionally personally for things

    like pink eye or a sty.


    On 9/9/2011 11:34 AM, Sandee George wrote: Hi There Marshall - I have been

    mixing the above with MSM and having no problems - however I  would like

    to get your opinion about changing from MSM to EIS - do you see a problem

    in doing this ? Thanks in advance


    Attitude is everything !!

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