All you really need is a resistor and an understanding of ohms law.
Here are some links:




On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:28 AM, Neville Munn <>wrote:

>  ------------------------------
> From:
> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 00:57:40 +0000
> To:
> Subject: CS>The importance of low current
> This my first post and I am gonna be building my generator very soon.  I
> must decide now, what I should buy.
> There's an article online by a guy "lightman" who adds a current limiting
> device to his generator.
> A reader added that he keeps the "CURRENT" around .28 milliamps max, using
> a 30VDC power supply.  I will be using a 12VDC power supply.  Having to wait
> longer because of a low current is OK with me, if in fact having the smaller
> particles is a good thing.
> This guy also uses an aquarium air pump, claiming it helps keep the silver
> particles smaller.
> I know absolutely nothing about electronics but the idea of using
> a "high frequency pulsed DC supply" just seems logical to me.  I am going to
> try and build the "Bruce K. Stenulson" version he builds with the
> "Experimenters Socket".
> Socket
> Some folks use a TDC meter and yet others a PWT?
> 1.  Is running at such low CURRENT really beneficial?  What changes would I
> have to make to the "Stenelson" pulsed rig to achieve this low current?
> 2.  Does the air pump improve the CS?
> # I don't brew any EIS of volume over 250ml (8 ounces) without stirring.
> 3.  Which gives a more accurate reading, a TDC meter or a PWT?  Is it safe
> to assume that if I check the resistance of the CS in the jar with my
> multi-meter and, stop the process at the same reading each time, that my PPM
> should be very similar with each batch?
> # I don't use a PWT meter, however, I do use a HM Digital
> EC/TDS/TEMP meter, HM Digital TDS-3 meter, and a HANNA TDS meter, and
> measure readings at regular timed intervals with all three - and there is
> NOTHING substantial between any of them in the scheme of things regarding
> home produced EIS.
> 4.  If I wanted to make a half-gallon at a time, would I need to change
> anything?
> # I'd be incorporating some form of stirring method if it were me.
> Purity of water is the primary number one concern!
> N.
> Thank you guys for tolerating such a long post!