Nordenstrom was on the Nobel selection committee at one time, or so I read.  

On 2011/10/25, at 7:12, David AuBuchon wrote:

> Oh, actually it is like this according to them:
> “The ReBuilder is different from other common TENS devices in that it 
> analyzes in real time, the waveform that the nerves are responding with, and 
> then creates a specific waveform to gently nudge the dysfunctional nerves 
> back to full function. We have discovered in our research here in our own 
> lab, that nerves communicate with each other like an FM radio. in an FM 
> radio. Each station is looking for a specific frequency and waveform as a 
> ‘carrier”. Then the data sent from the radio station is translated to music 
> or voice. Similarly, your nerves expect to communicate with each other, your 
> brain, and your muscles with specific frequencies and waveforms. The 
> ReBuilder reads all this data from your nerves, determines the various 
> deficiencies, creates a custom output signal, and does it all in real time, 
> and it does this 7.83 times per second to give your nerves a chance to 
> re-polarize and not become overloaded or go into fibrillation.”
> And the Dr. I was thinking of is Dr. Yu-Ling Xin who worked with Nordenstrom. 
>  Though there may be others.  And looking back at the book I read it in, 
> there is no mention of a Nobel prize.  It must have been the scooby snacks or 
> something.
> David