
What cs making do you use?


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On Jan 31, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Neville Munn <> wrote:

> No way in the world for me, not as long as my bum points to the ground!
> No amount of money would encourage me to purchase *any* marketed product when 
> I can make equal or better quality stuff myself, especially when I'm 
> ingesting a quantity of EIS/CS every day, but even if I wasn't, I would still 
> rather make my own than buy it, at least I know what I've got, and I know it 
> was produced using LVDC.  
> They all go on about how their product is produced by some mystical secret 
> squirrel method which results in the best 'this or that?'.
> Like everything else, the best marketer will get the biggest share, doesn't 
> mean it's a quality product though, just better sales pitch.
> Disclaimer and conclusion: Each to his/her own.
> N.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Mesosilver
> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 14:08:09 -0500
> Hi,
> I'm new to CS and had purchased Mesosilver which I'm quite happy with.  Just 
> was wondering, if money was no option would you all prefer Mesosilver over 
> your own home brew as far as quality and effectiveness.  Thanks, Sally
> From: Rodney Samuelson [] 
> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Mesosilver
> Does any one use mesosilver.  I was told it works well on Lyme disease.