Surely it isn't the CS that causes the blueness it's when silver particles are 
over a certain size isn't it & then no longer considered "colloidal"?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Neville Munn 

  Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case taking 
Selenium is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver intake...I 
don't, and never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, and my 
fingernails haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail moons, or my 
eyeballs turned any colour of the rainbow.

  Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add that 
little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll spare everyone 
though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being co-joined with 
silver intake <g>.
