To all with Lyme questions

  After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4 oz
every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
 Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
  When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to the
point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of it
without turning into more of a Smurf .

  I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
Humble tells you how to make it)
 I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
back nearly as good as before the attack.
 The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
to take long term.

The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
kill it with to be effective .

Take a look at the link
