That's amazing---I take all but the Vit-E every day and have for ten years.
I took the Vit-E  for two of those years and didn't have any improvement at
all. So much for that!

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:52 AM, asif nathekar <>wrote:

>  Hi,
>  I found this on :
>  “
> The original post on the formula for Argyria Cured:
> About two months ago, I was contacted by an individual with an amazing
> story:
> This individual utilized 32 ounces of silver chloride daily for 2.5 years
> and cured a very late stage case of Nuerosyphilis.
> The silver chloride was produced in ten minute batches using the 3 nine's
> method of production with no controls.
> I have since spent quite some time on the phone with this individual.
> The second part of this story:
> By ingesting large amounts of a high concentration silver salt, the
> individual acquired argyria. It was likely a bit more severe than Stan
> Jones, but certainly not an aggravated condition like Rosemary Jacobs'
> agryria. It was bad enough to turn heads in a grocery store.
> However, this individual didn't stop with eliminating his lethal
> condition. He also reversed the argyria.
> Many have long discussed the possibility of using Vitamin E, Selenium, and
> other supplements with a cleansing program to reverse the condition,
> however, we've never seen someone actually accomplish it. It took six
> months of dedicated effort, but the individual's skin complexion returned
> to absolute normal.
> Furthermore, the individual stopped taking the supplement program, resumed
> silver use, and his skin began to change once again. Whereby he resumed the
> supplementation, and the skin returned to normal.
> Apparently, the silver build-up in the body when it reaches high enough
> levels to deposit visible silver in the skin is quite extensive. The
> process of removal is slow, but effective.
> Furthermore, the individual actually had spirochetes in the eyes; the only
> thing that remains is slight scar tissue, and the individual, who was
> losing the use of the eyes, can see perfectly fine.
> The list of symptoms with such an event is extensive. The individual was
> near liver failure, and within three months of initial silver use, was all
> but completely restored to full health. Fevers spiking 3-5 times daily, a
> chronic and severe lung infection, inflammation of the liver, shut down of
> the body's elimination systems, loss of reduction of cognitive ability,
> extreme and disabling fatigue are among the symptoms that fell to the power
> of this... Silver Chloride.
> Obviously silver choride as a product is not equal to the superior
> isolated silver products. However, the question remains: Would consuming
> isolated silver have delivered enough actual silver content to the body to
> be effective in this case?
> A Cure for Argyria: The Formula
> 3 Vitamin E 1000 mg 100% Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl ( note that this can
> be a dangerous amount of Vitamin E )
> 1 Selenium 100mcg yeast free
> 2 vegetarian Vitamin C 1000 mg
> 1 teaspoon MSM organic
> 1 super potency Vitamin B 100,
> 1 teaspoon of Kelp powder:
> Taken every morning with 2 16oz glasses of water, with close to a total of
> 3/4 of a gallon drinking water a day.
> “
>  all credits to the original poster
>  peace to all,
>  Asif.
>  *From:* Harold <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2012 6:39 PM
> *To:* PTFerrance <> ;
> *Subject:* Re: CS>promising late lyme cure
> Go to Silver Archives and search ;
>  *: Selenium for Argyria*
>  **
>  PTFerrance <>
>  *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: CS>promising late lyme cure
> I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I
> have not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.****
> PT****
> ****
> ****