Not really... they have more of a reputation for reporting what the highest bidder asks them to report. Truly. Do the research.
They have a reputation for accuracy.

LIBERAL:      Not limited to or by established,
traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes,
views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. Favoring
proposals for reform,  open to new ideas for
progress, & tolerant of the ideas & behavior
of others; broad-minded.
                          American Heritage Dictionary
Yes, that's me -- at least I try to be!

-----Original Message-----
*From:* Jane MacRoss []
*Sent:* Saturday, July 07, 2012 9:56 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Warning on computer virus from our local Tampa Bay News

What might be more trustworthy?

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:11 AM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>Warning on computer virus from our local Tampa
    Bay News

    snopes is run by a husband and wife team, thats it!! if you trust

    -----Original Message-----
    From: slickpicker < <>>
    To: silver-list <
    Cc: Judy Knowlton <
    Sent: Sat, Jul 7, 2012 2:29 pm
    Subject: RE: CS>Warning on computer virus from our local Tampa Bay

    "I am always astonished when I read outrageous comments about a competent
    government employee."

    LOL - thanks for providing some levity to this usually-serious forum.

    ---- Judy Knowlton<  
<>>  wrote:

    I am always astonished when I read outrageous
    comments about a competent government employee.
    Politics seems to make us forget our ability to
    use logic and common sense!
    Anyway, checking -- a trusted
    website -- gives this information.  It is TRUE



    -----Original Message-----  <>
    [  <>]
    Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:03 PM  <>
    Subject: Re: CS>Warning on computer virus from our
    local Tampa Bay News

    this is just a ploy from holder and his  cronies
    including obummer to gain access to your ip
    address, and your system at a later date. Do not
    believe a word they say, about not comprising your
    computer. Why would they care about a virus?????
    unless they are the virus???

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dianne France<  
    To: silver-list<  <>>
    Sent: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 8:53 am
    Subject: CS>Warning on computer virus from our
    local Tampa Bay News

    I don't know how many of you watch the news but
    this morning our local channel 13 news gave a
    warning out of Washington that there is a bad
    virus the FBI has had contained but for some
    reason the block will be lifted and if you haven't
    checked to see if your computer is infected by
    Monday you are going to have serious computer
    problems.  They gave the following web site and
    I've copied it and the page that comes up when
    you go to the site.  Mine thankfully was green.
    If it turns red there is a problem and there is
    another web site at the bottom that you will have
    go to that fixes the problem I think.  I did not
    see the program personally but my husband did and
    wrote the site down for me.

    To check for virus to go:

    DNS Changer Check-Up

           DNS Resolution = GREEN

           Your computer appears to be looking up IP
    addresses correctly!

           Had your computer been infected with DNS
    changer malware you would have seen a red
    background. Please note, however, that if your ISP
    is redirecting DNS traffic for its customers you
    would have reached this site even though you are
    infected. For additional information regarding the
    DNS changer malware, please visit the FBI's
    website at:

    The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
       Rules and Instructions:  


    Off-Topic discussions:<  
    List Owner: Mike Devour<  

    No virus found in this message.
    Checked by AVG - <>
    Version: 2012.0.2195 / Virus Database: 2437/5117 - Release Date: