Dear Melly Bag,
I know that Lugol'sIodine will prevent & Stop Radiation. You can use it 

 or put iy on the outside of your body, You can ask me Questions.

Tel Tofflemire

 From: Melly Bag <>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 6:02 PM
Subject: CS>Anti radiation herb

Herb Robert (Geranium Robertianum) is known as anti radiation herb.  It removes 
radiation from ground and neighboring plants where it is planted and yet, when 
they tested HR, it did not have radiation.
I used to buy cut leaves of it, now most vendors disappeared, and those that 
used to sell cut leaves now only in sell powder form, and wished me luck if i 
find cut leaves.  I bought seeds and am now growing them in pots inside the 
My question is, does Coronal Mass Ejection contain radiation?  Can Herb 
Robert be used as antidote for  Coronal Mass Ejection physical effects?