Hi Neville,

I have actually tried this and found nothing I can report anecdotally, however 
I found that if your silver source is around 99.8 and above, which I find 
American eagle coins usually are (as tested by XRF machine) then other factors 
play a much more significant role, such as water, purity of brewing vessel and 
cleaning materials (some detergents leave a residue to help sparkle, shine or 
protection) or bleach from the tissues that may have been used to dry.
I use a 99.99 silver for most of my brewing now.
So I use cheap as possible washing up liquid( to ensure I avoid the cleaning 
‘technology’ or in our case ‘residue’) to clean my borosilicate beaker (its 
borosilicate so that less undesirable chemicals leach from the glass such as 
those used in cheap glass and plastics) and rinse a couple of times with tap 
water then a rinse with single distilled water.

Then commence with brewing with double distilled water. Tried single distil and 
it has never worked for me. although in the future I will be trying RO water 
and single distill.

cheers Neville keep up the straight talk!...

From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:17 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: CS>The Silvercell process?

I'd be interested in knowing the difference in end product between the use of 
99.98% and 99.99% pure fine silver electrodes? 
Does that 0.2% difference in silver produce a different end result measurement 
if using same electrode setup, same water and water temperature, same 
equipment, same brewing time,  same testing methods etc etc. 

I follow your thinking Asif, if it ain't broke then don't mess with it <g>.

All it has to do is *work*, and that's 'perfect' enough for me without chasing 
some impossible dream to achieve......*What* exactly?


Subject: Re: CS>The Silvercell process?
From: asifnathe...@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 14:04:55 +0000
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

It's not difficult to make more than adequate highly ionic CS, by brewing using 
a very low current around 0.1 ma per sq inch. Extremely pure water and good 
clean apparatus.
However I believe Mike is after the holy grail of perfection which in 
unnecessary  for certainly even the most ambitious uses of CS.
I can get stable 30-40 us every time using extremely low currents and lots of 
time. And anyone who has been the recipient of the CS has been generally a 
happy bunny!. 
If I brew faster there is alway a gamble that after 15-20 us the brew can start 
looking slightly yellow or gold. 
Peace to all

On 5 Jan 2012, at 09:31, "David O'Neil" <da...@alchemysa.com.au> wrote:

  So, would you agree that Mikes claim that its extremely difficult to make 
highly ionic CS is somewhat exagerated?


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: David AuBuchon 
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
    Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 7:25 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>The Silvercell process?

    I stopped brewing at about a stable 50 uS.  Slight yellow tinge.  It is 
possible it could go higher if I just kept sticking the generator in it.  But I 
got bored.  This concentration brew also does not appear to make me herx or 