On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 7:51 PM, <slickpic...@cox.net> wrote:

> I've read that berberine is most effective for controlling blood sugar
> spikes if taken 20-30 minutes before eating, and that ALA is also best
> absorbed on an empty stomach. I take you've found both to be effective
> taken on a full stomach?
> Thanks,
> Terry

Measuring fasting glucose levels is a measure of worst case glucose level. Even
if fasting glucose levels indicate one is okay,it does not speak to the
damage being done from "repetitive" post meal glucose surges. The longer
"repetitive" post-meal glucose surges stay elevated, the greater is the
damage done to tissues. The damage eventually progresses to the state where
fasting glucose levels indicate a diabetic complication.
http://www.lef.org/search/?q=chlorogenic%20acid&c=Magazine and
discuss this process in more detail.

One solution is chlorogenic acid found in green coffee bean extract which
has been clinically shown to limit dangerous after-meal glucose surges.

