Hi all,  Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm.  It was half embedded.  Very 
smalll deer tick.  I have problems.  I drank CS numerous times, washed it with 
alcohol, scratched a lot.  Last night it swelled.  It turned red.  It hurts and 
itches in a path 3inches by 6 inches with a hard circle about the size of a 50 
cent piece at the bite then swelling and heat and red  that headed upward and 
sideways from the top of my forearm.  It is hot and swollen  ---Still drinking 
CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol.  Several swabs of oil of oregano. Avoiding 
doctor.  everal years ago i had tick bite that had hard, red angry reaction.  
Doctor said i am allergic.  Whoa,  Benedryl?  What do i do?  HELP.  MuttmomVicki