One by one the FDA nazi goons under the direction of our esteemed President
with the approval of congress are attacking and taking away our ability to
treat and heal ourselves, and even to prevent illness before it starts.
They are poisoning our food and water with GMO's, fluoride, barium, and
aluminum making it almost impossible for the average person to ingest
anything that isn't tainted in some way.  This is by design.  Then, after
making us sick, they take away our ability to treat and heal ourselves and
our loved ones.  Can you think of anything more evil in its intent?   I for
one cannot.  The governments job is to protect its citizens. instead they
are now in the business of murdering us.  I'm not joking folks.  This is the
reality we are living in.  Monsanto, big pharma, and the NOW are in
partnership to cull the population and give millions of new customers to the
pharma companies so they can poison us with their dangerous and ineffectual
drugs making trillions on us before we die.



From: phoenix23002 [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Closures


I so agree, Melly.  We don't have a Pres looking out for us and our dear
Pres believes in the largest government money can buy (more bureaucrats)
controlling as many citizens and every facet of their lives as possible.
Nor do we have a Congress that has any backbone or principles and they are
not at all willing to stand up for us.  We are screwed.  It is just a matter
of time now.  What I really resent is how the government continues to just
write rules and/or regulations and seems to consider our
Congress/Constitution an irritant at best and irrevelant at worst.  That
effectively removes our voices from having any influence in any possible
legislation.   Lola H.  

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Melly Bag <> wrote:



What i am afraid of is that this may be only the beginning, and eventually
they will force all the others too.  They stopped rain-tree from importing.
Others import too.  They find excuses on imported goods being risky.

