

         All you need to rid yourself of a bacterial tooth or tooth root
infection is a flashlight battery, some wires, sponges, and elastic bands.
Attach the wires to either end of the battery with solder (not 9 volts. too
stong!), strip the ends and attach sponges to cover them, wrap elastic bands
around to hold them in place.  Wet them with some salt water and apply them
to either side of the tooth that is infected.   Hold them in place for 4 or
5 minutes, then switch them around (to change the polarity).  After another
4 or 5 minutes you're done.  Repeat the next day or as needed.  One session
is usually sufficient although I always do two or three just to make sure.
It never fails.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo for info
and schematics if you're interested.





From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:31 AM
Subject: RE: CS> How I cured my abscessed tooth with a double A battery


People have been talking about using electrical current directly in the
mouth using wires or pads to carry the current.


Current directly in the mouth never felt good to me. So here's what I do: I
put electrode patches on the OUTSIDE of either cheek, or somewhere at the
jaw where the pain is the strongest. Inside my mouth is salt water that I
hold for the duration of the session. The salt water ensures good
conduction, as the electrical current does reach all areas of the mouth. I
make sure to start with my mouth about half filled with salt water, because
by the time the session is over my mouth is completely filled with liquid on
account of increased saliva production.


Of course, I spit out the water when I'm finished, into the trash.


Each session ranges from 30 - 60  minutes, however long I can hold the salt
water. Even after one session I feel relief.


For these sessions, I use a portable frequency generator (a rife machine)
that I wear around my waist. Frequencies used are commonly all below 1000
hertz. This is important, because the lower frequencies have longer
wavelengths and so pass through thicker structures than the higher
frequencies do. However, within these parameters, it appears that more
important than the frequency itself is the salt water, which conducts the


I suppose a zapper-type instrument or the Tennant Biomodulator (which I own
and use a lot) would suffice as well.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification
