I've been using the same jars for years and *never* wash or rinse them out with 
anything ~ at any time.  All I have ever done is wipe them out with a paper 
towel to remove any remaining drops of EIS which is left in the vessels before 
putting them away as and when I alternate with other vessels, and I check the 
paper for any discolouration other than the discolouration of the paper being 
As has already been said, never use soaps/detergents/mains water or anything 
else to rinse the jars out.  DW would be the only thing I would rinse them out 
with ~ if I ever decided to rinse them out at all <g>.
I find it rather perplexing that some people have issues when producing their 
EIS?  I'd say it's gotta be something you are doing.  It'll probly be something 
so incidental that you haven't thought of it.

Keep vessels clean, electrodes clean (this is of utmost importance, and that 
includes oils and anything else which may be on your fingers), stirring if you 
brew by volume, don't try to brew excessive ppm, quality of DW, if you reside 
in an area where air pollution may be evident use a cover over vessel whilst 
brewing if possible, smoke from an open fireplace will probly affect it...and 
the list goes on <g>.

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 12:47:27 -0700
From: jsmpren...@sbcglobal.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>How to clean jars for silver making

Would you please share how you clean your jars for silver making.
I was told by Silver Gen not to put the glass mason jars in the dishwasher. 
Only to rinse in how water.
I also thought they said to just keep reusing the jars ...no need to wash or 
rinse them after a use.
As I recently posted.  I have white on the bottom of the recent batch. So 
Sivler Gen said to rinse them in hot water. 
Do others rinse or wash out their jars which they use to make silver in?
Thanks, Sandy