Rose, thank you for those personal reflections. It helps us to know her
better and understand her passing.

Godspeed, Renee.


Mike D.

On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 17:51 -0500, maniaka rose wrote:
> Renee was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last August. She had surgery
> first of Sept, hysterectomy.  At that time doc said he got all the
> cancer that was visible.  He told Larry and Joey it was a fast growing
> aggressive cancer (common with ovarian cancer).
> Both of her parents had cancer (killing her mom) and contributing to
> her father's passing.
> Renee had stage 4 breast cancer 23 years ago. At that time, after
> surgery (one mastectomy) and 5 rounds of chemo (to appease her mom)
> she hit the ground running, cleaned up her diet and continued on that
> track for several years.  Renee has always had a love of junk food and
> in her own words was a junk food junkie.  She also didn't put a lot of
> stock in organic (produce, dairy or meat). She said while organic was
> deff the best a body would adapt to what was available.  
> After her surgery she kept putting off starting her protocols. She cut
> down on sweets to a great degree. January she got sick, lungs etc.
> Eventual trip to er (painful blood clots in her legs) determined the
> cancer had spread to liver, spleen, stomach and possibly intestines.
> At that time she became basically wheelchair bound.
> About a month later with a lot of arm twisting and encouragement from
> friends she started some protocols but at that time was too sick to
> take many.  Everything made her nauseous or throw up.  She did manage
> to get a few things down but too little too late.  We did manage to
> get her on a few things that eased her discomfort and she had many
> 'good days'.
> I've known and loved Renee personally for many years.  She was an
> amazing woman and stubborn as a mule.  We had many debates on the
> importance of food as one's medicine.
> Alternative protocols are great and offer promise.  I exclude whiz
> bangs that are in abundance. Imho no matter how promising the
> protocol, it is essential to combine that with a lifestyle that is as
> free from toxins as feasible.  It's not just organic of whence I
> speak.
> The loss of her in our lives is obvious.  It was her wish that her
> illness and passing be a teaching experience for others.
> Take from it what you will~
> rose
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 1:40 PM, 123 456 <> wrote:
>         On 4/22/13, sol <> wrote:
>         > Jason Vale wrote:
>         >> get her on the apricot seeds
>         >>
>         > I would be amazed if that wasn't something she had tried.
>         > sol
>         >
>         >
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